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Hydration Hacks: Expert Dietitian Tips for Travelers with Digestive Issues

Traveling can be an exciting adventure, but it often disrupts our daily routines, including our hydration habits. Staying hydrated is crucial, especially for individuals dealing with acid reflux, GERD, LPR, and IBS. As a digestive health dietitian, I’m here to share practical tips to help you maintain your hydration routine while on-the-go, ensuring you stay refreshed and comfortable throughout your journey!
  1. Bring an Insulated Reusable Water Bottle

One of the easiest and most effective ways to ensure you’re drinking enough water while traveling is to carry an insulated reusable water bottle. This helps keep your water cool and refreshing, encouraging you to drink more. Fill it up before you leave your hotel or accommodation and keep it handy throughout the day.

2.Track Your Fluid Intake

Monitoring your fluid intake can help you stay on top of your hydration needs. You can use a hydration tracking app or simply set reminders on your phone to drink every hour. Some water bottles even come with built-in trackers to make it easier to meet your daily hydration goals.

3. Infuse Your Water with Acid Reflux-Friendly Fruits & Teas

Adding fruits and teas to your water not only enhances the flavor but also boosts your hydration with additional vitamins and minerals. Here are some acid reflux-friendly fruits that can make your water more enjoyable:

Simply add these fruits and herbs to your water bottle and enjoy a delicious, hydrating drink throughout the day!

4. Incorporate Hydrating Foods

In addition to drinking water, consuming foods with high water content can help you stay hydrated. Include fruits like melons, berries, and vegetables like cucumbers and leafy greens in your diet while traveling. These foods not only hydrate but also provide essential nutrients like fiber to keep digestion moving while traveling! For a list of reflux-friendly foods, be sure to grab our FREE Reflux Grocery Guide here.

5. Consider An Alginate Supplement

Traveling can sometimes exacerbate acid reflux symptoms due to changes in diet and routine. The RefluxRaft alginate supplement is a great addition to your travel kit. It forms a protective barrier in the stomach, reducing acid reflux symptoms. Taking this supplement after meals and before bed can help manage your symptoms, allowing you to stay comfortable and able to prioritize other healthy habits such as staying hydrated!

6. Stay Mindful of Caffeine and Alcohol

Both caffeine and alcohol can contribute to dehydration and exacerbate acid reflux symptoms. Try to limit your intake of these beverages while traveling and always balance them with plenty of water.

7. Plan Ahead

Before you embark on your journey, plan ahead for your hydration needs. Research places where you can refill your water bottle, and where you may be able to add hydrating foods such as fruits and vegetables to your meals while away. While these may seem like little steps, they can make a huge difference in feeling your best on vacation!

Sticking to your hydration routine while traveling doesn’t have to be challenging. With a few simple strategies, you can stay hydrated, manage your digestive health, and enjoy your travels to the fullest. Remember, your health is a priority, even when you’re on the go.

Safe travels and happy hydrating!


Written by Molly Pelletier, MS, RD, LDN, Reflux Dietitian 
Written by Molly Pelletier, MS, RD, LDN | Molly Pelletier is a Registered Dietitian specializing in acid reflux/GERD/LPR/IBS and a leading voice in nutrition for acid reflux. Molly's background in nutrition science and her personal health journey with GERD culminated in the curation of FLORA Nutrition, where she shares evidence-based tools and strategies to help others recover from reflux and optimize their overall well-being. Follow Molly on Social Media @mollypelletier.rd on all platforms | YouTube | Instagram | TikTok | Pinterest |