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Your online source for the best tips, news, and other helpful information on acid reflux.

Mindful Eating 101: How to Slow Down and Savor Your Food

Discover how mindful eating can reduce acid reflux symptoms. Molly Pelletier, MS, RD, LDN, shares practical tips to slow down, savor meals, and feel better.


The Power of Small Changes: How Tiny Tweaks Can Transform Your Digestive Health in the New Year

Transform your digestive health in the new year with these small but powerful changes. Discover expert tips on diet and habits, and find the perfect RefluxRaft for you.

Stress Less, Digest Better: Your Guide to a Reflux-Free New Year

Explore the link between stress and acid reflux. Find practical tips and techniques to manage anxiety and enjoy a reflux-free new year.

10 Unique Holiday Gifts for Acid Reflux Sufferers

A well-chosen present can offer relief, comfort, and a reminder that you care about your loved ones living with acid reflux or heartburn. Here are the perfect gifts designed to help those loved one navigate their journey with acid reflux or heartburn from practical tools to indulgent experiences.

Alginates and Antacids: What’s the Difference?

Both antacids and alginates can be helpful for acid reflux, but they work in very different ways. While antacids provide short-term relief by neutralizing acid, alginates, like those in RefluxRaft create a natural barrier that can keep acid in the stomach and away from the esophagus for hours.

Hiatal Hernias: The Most Common Questions & Answers

Hiatal hernias, a common condition affecting millions, occur when the upper part of the stomach pushes upward through the diaphragm. This comprehensive guide will delve into the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options for hiatal hernias, empowering you to take control of your health.